Wisdom Tooth Extractions Are Recommended Because of Their Problematic Nature

Wisdom Tooth Extractions Are Recommended Because of Their Problematic Nature

November 1, 2021

Wisdom tooth extractions, a surgical procedure to extract one or more wisdom teeth located in the posterior regions of the mouth and the top and bottom jaw, are standard procedures performed by the dentist in Welland, ON. Although they are called wisdom teeth, they appear between 17 and 25 when there is insufficient room in the mouth to accommodate them. Wisdom teeth are the first permanent adult teeth to receive recommendations for extraction from dentists because of their problematic nature.

When wisdom teeth don’t have sufficient room to erupt, they remain impacted, resulting in pain, infections and other dental problems. The Welland dentist will likely recommend removing the wisdom teeth to eliminate issues from your mouth. The removal prevents future issues, and many dentists recommend wisdom tooth extraction even if the impacted teeth are not causing any problems.

Why do Dentists target wisdom Teeth?

Your wisdom teeth emerging between 17 to 25 are the last permanent teeth to erupt. Many people never develop wisdom teeth, and many develop them usually like their other molars and encounter no problems. Unfortunately, the rest develop the teeth stuck below the gum line requiring impacted wisdom tooth removal.

The reason why dentists target them is because impacted wisdom teeth can grow at an angle towards the next tooth or towards the back of the mouth. They can grow at a right angle towards the other teeth resembling a tooth lying down in the jawbone. They may also grow straight like the other teeth but remained trapped inside the jawbone.

What Problems Do You Encounter With Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth are painful and trap food and debris behind them. They can leave you with infections or gum disease requiring infected wisdom tooth extraction. In addition, impacted wisdom teeth can damage an adjacent tooth or surrounding bone and lead to the development of a fluid-filled cyst around it. You may also develop complications with orthodontic treatments to straighten your teeth if you have impacted wisdom teeth in your mouth.

Preventing Problems Later

Dental specialists do not agree whether asymptomatic wisdom teeth require extraction or not, especially if they aren’t causing any problems. However, predicting problems is challenging with impacted wisdom teeth, and the extraction is recommended by wisdom tooth extractions in Welland, ON, as a preventive measure. The rationale behind the recommendation is symptom-free wisdom teeth and still harbour disease because if sufficient space isn’t available for the tooth to emerge, it is challenging to clean it correctly. In addition, younger adults can develop severe complications with wisdom teeth, while older adults experience challenges with surgery and complications after wisdom tooth removal.

If you plan on getting wisdom teeth removed, you must visit rose city dental Centre, where the dentist performs the surgery in the office. Wisdom tooth extractions are performed as an outpatient procedure, intimating you can go home the same day. However, you receive either local, general, or sedation anesthesia before the process and must have someone drive you back home following it.

The dentist makes an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone. Any bone blocking access to the tooth root requires removal, and the tooth is divided into sections if it is more accessible to remove in pieces. After wisdom tooth removal, the dental professional cleans the extraction site to remove any tooth debris and bone. You receive sutures around the wound to promote healing if required. Finally, the dentist places gauze over the extraction site to control bleeding and help form a blood clot.

Care after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

You must follow your dentist’s instructions as you heal after the surgery. You can expect some bleeding to occur on the day after wisdom tooth removal surgery. You must avoid spitting to ensure you don’t dislodge the blood clot. Replace gauze over the extraction site is recommended by your dentist.

You can expect some pain, swelling, and bruising. Managing pain with over-the-counter painkillers or prescription medications from a dentist, especially if bone removal was also necessary during the procedure, is helpful. You can use ice packs on cheeks for 20-minute intervals because it also provides relief from the pain. The swelling on the cheeks subsides in two or three days, but the bruising requires more time to resolve.

After your surgery, plan to get some rest for the remainder of the day and avoid strenuous activities for at least a week. Do not use alcoholic beverages or smoke immediately after the surgical process because it hinders the healing. Subsist on a diet of soft foods by avoiding complex, chewy, and spicy foods. Do not brush your teeth during the first 24 hours after the surgery but instead, use a mouthwash for rinsing. You can begin brushing 24 hours after the surgery being cautious near the surgical site.

Wisdom teeth are problematic because they develop when there is insufficient room in the mouth for them. It is why dentists recommend wisdom tooth extractions instead of preserving the tooth-like they usually do in other cases.

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