How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Dental Implant?

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Dental Implant?

October 1, 2022

Dental implants will improve your self-confidence and quality of life as long-term solutions for missing teeth. Dental implants are synthetic tooth root restorations that can either be fixed or removable. The recovery process of these implants varies from one person to another. So there is no exact way of saying how long each individual will take to recover. However, the average recovery time for implant surgery is about six to eight months. Although, this can increase if you have any pre-existing conditions or special treatments that must be done before the implant surgery. Visit our dental clinic near you to learn if you are suitable for dental implants.

Dental Implant Surgery Procedure

At Rose City Dental, once the dentist determines that your mouth is healthy enough for dental implants, they will schedule your dental implant procedure appointment.

The surgery will take an average of one hour. A local anesthetic is used to numb the surgical area to ease discomfort and pain. If you are nervous or anxious, you can request your dentist to use IV sedation. The procedure starts with the dentist making a small cut in your gums to reveal the jawbone. Next, a hole is drilled into the bone, where the titanium rod is embedded. A temporary denture or crown can be placed over the gap as the site heals and a more permanent attachment for the implant.

A second appointment is then made for abutment placement. The process may require a minor surgical procedure if gum tissue has grown over the implant. It is done under a local anesthetic to ease discomfort. During the appointment, the healing cap over the implant is removed, and the abutment is screwed on the implant. The gum tissues then contour around the abutment. The site will take several weeks to heal after the abutment placement. However, you may have to wait several weeks for a crown fitting.

The final step is the placement of the artificial teeth. It happens after the dental implant surgery has fully healed.

Recovering from a Dental Implant Surgery

There are two parts when it comes to the dental implant recovery process. The first one is recovering from the surgery. Your health state determines it before the surgery and the number of implants you have received. For the first 24 hours, expect side effects from the anesthesia. Which includes, include, nausea, dizziness, or sleepiness. However, the symptoms should disappear by the next day.

To ensure a smooth recovery process, you must follow a strict diet of soft foods and the proper cleaning regimen. Be sure to follow all the guidelines your dentist lays out to prevent infection. Infections can lengthen the tooth implant recovery process. Avoid smoking to speed up the healing process. Do expect to experience bleeding, discomfort, or swelling the following few days after surgery.

The second part of the recovery process is the healing of your jaw. However, the surgery wound heals within the first few weeks. The osseointegration process will take eight to nine months to take place. Practicing proper oral hygiene such as brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups is also important in dental implant surgery healing.

Dental implant procedures have about a 98% success rate for most patients. However, if you want to know the success rate of your procedure, inquire with your dentist. They are better at giving you accurate information based on the personalized health data they have on you.

How to Support your Dental Implants Recovery Process

The following are tips on how you can support your recovery after getting dental implants in Welland, ON.

  • During the first 24 hours, give your body enough rest and avoid strenuous activities.
  • Please continue using the gauzes provided by your dentist to control bleeding and replace them when needed.
  • Press an ice pack on your jaw for 30 minutes and put it off for 20 minutes. Repeat the process until satisfied. Remember to protect your skin by placing a cloth between your skin and the ice pack.
  • Brush and floss your teeth gently and avoid the treated site. To remove food particles from the site, rinse your mouth slowly using warm salty water.
  • Avoid hard food on your daily diet and include soft foods such as smoothies, pureed foods, yogurt, and thick soups; avoid spicy and hot foods as they irritate the surgery site.

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