In restorative dentistry, dental crowns and bridges remain a staple. Dental crowns help preserve the remaining structure of a tooth that has sustained severe damage from decay or injury. Dental bridges function as replacements for a missing tooth and help prevent the consequences of tooth loss that occurs when the remaining teeth drift towards the missing tooth gap to close it.
When recommended crowns and bridges in Welland, ON, you might want to inquire how long these restorations will remain in your mouth. Generally, crowns have a lifespan of around a decade with proper dental hygiene. However, the lifespan can vary between patients depending on the material of the crown and its durability.
This article looks at the lifespan of dental crowns used to restore a damaged tooth or replace a missing one. It helps if you understand crowns are helpful in both procedures repairing damaged teeth and replacing your missing teeth.
Different materials help make a tooth crown. Mentioned below are the materials dental labs use to fabricate crowns.
Porcelain Crowns:durability and a long lifespan is a feature of porcelain crowns. Information is available that porcelain crowns fabricated in dental labs are more durable than in-office same-day crowns.
Gold Crowns:incredible durability is a feature of gold crowns because of their metal composition. Unfortunately, they are the least pleasing from the aesthetic point of view. In addition, they wear out gradually.
Zirconia Crowns:in dentistry, zirconia crowns are a new addition providing durability and long-lasting restoration. Zirconia crowns are also aesthetically pleasing and sought-after by many patients because of their tooth-like appearance.
Lifespan of Bridges
The lifespan of dental bridges can differ between five to 15 years. Dental insurance companies mention the lifespan of bridges must be a minimum of five years, indicating patients might not be eligible for a new bridge before five years. However, proper dental hygiene and regular checkups with the dentist bridges can last for over a decade for most patients.
Crowns and bridges experience natural wear and tear from chewing forces and teeth grinding. These two reasons are primary for replacing restorative work.
If you need dental crowns to encase a damaged or decayed tooth, you must follow the suggestions below.
Abstain from clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth because you can damage the crown by chipping or cracking. If you are a victim of bruxism, discuss the problem with your dentist, who provides a custom-fitted night guard to protect the crown and your natural teeth.
Brush your teeth twice a day and floss them at least once. When brushing, ensure that you clean around the area where the crown meets your gum tissue. The cleaning helps prevent decay beneath the crown.
Do not use your teeth to chew ice or other complex objects. Biting your fingernails can also damage dental crowns.
You must organize regular meetings with your dentist for cleanings and exams. During your appointment dentist checks for signs of decay, gaps, or cracks around the crown.
Dental Bridges
You can expect bridges to last for at least a decade. However, you can extend the lifespan of bridges following stringent dental hygiene practices at home and getting six monthly checkups from your dentist.
When brushing and flossing your teeth, ensure that you floss beneath the bridge or the artificial tooth that bridges the gap between your teeth. You find it helpful to use a floss threader if you find it challenging to get regular floss beneath the bridge. Failing to floss beneath the bridge allows bacteria and debris to accumulate, resulting in tooth decay and gum disease.
Crowns and bridges are undoubtedly durable and strong. However, they are not invincible. Therefore if they chip or crack, you must ensure you get them replaced as soon as possible.
Leaving a damaged crown enhances the risk of decay forming in the underlying tooth. Unfortunately, the decay results in infections in the tooth that might require a root canal. If your crown or bridge falls out, call the providers immediately for an appointment to determine whether they can restore the tooth or provide replacements. Meanwhile, you can use some petroleum jelly or denture cream to keep the restorations in your mouth.
Rose City Dental are providers of crowns and bridges in Welland. If you need these restorations from a reliable provider, kindly schedule an appointment with them today to prepare to restore your damaged or missing tooth.